
Aeration and Seeding

Aeration & Overseeding

Aeration and Seeding
Aeration and Seeding

Aeration one of the best overall practices you can do for your lawn is to have it aerated and overseeded at least one time a season. This practice reduces soil compaction, allows oxygen into the soil and helps your lawn tremendously.

What is aeration?

Aeration is the mechanical removal of soil plugs from your turf. These two to three-inch cores are then left on top of the turf and as they break down, microbes then feed on them and break down thatch. Thatch is the build-up of dead grass and plant material over time.

Why is aeration needed?

Having an aeration help reduce soil compaction, it allows water and oxygen to reach deep and into the root zone. This benefits microorganism living beneath the soil. These organisms break down existing thatch, improve soil quality, balancing the PH levels and release additional nutrients for healthy plant development.

When is the best time to have your lawn aerated and overseeded?

The most effective time of year for aerating and overseeding is in the fall. Here in Texas if you have St. Augustine aeration can be great but you will have to use plugs rather than seed to fill in bare areas! Fall is the best time due to cool nights and warm days promoting optimal temperatures for germination.

What are the benefits of overseeding your Texas lawn?

Overseeding your lawn allows new grass to develop in bare and weakened areas in your turf. This process also thickens your lawn and reduces the chance for disease and fungus. Overseeding also helps to produce that top of the line thick green turf you are looking for!

Stop in today and check out our company’s FACEBOOK page! We go above and beyond to ensure you get the best treatment possible! We also provide high-end landscaping services as well!